Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Parasites, Dental, Cancer

In this video, Simon Yu spends about 26 minutes speaking on "Parasites, Dental, Cancer" at the 45th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.

About Simon Yu

SIMON YU, M.D. graduated with a Master’s Degree for his research on Virology/Immunology on influenza virus and cell mediated immunology from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. He then graduated with a Medical Degree from the University of Missouri at Columbia School of Medicine in 1984 and completed his Internal Medicine Residency at the St. Mary’s Health Center in St. Louis.

Dr. Yu then worked as a regional Medical Director in a large HMO called Group Health Plan for 10 years and he has been studying Alternative/Complementary Medicine for the last 20 years. His special interest has been Bio-Cybernetics and Energy Medicine. He completed 300 hours of Post Graduate Medical Acupuncture training at Stanford Medical School in Palo Alto, California. He has been practicing and researching on the Acupuncture Meridian Assessment for the last 20 years based on the teaching of Electro-Acupuncture by Dr. Voll (EAV).

Dr. Yu served in the U.S. Army Reserve for 25 years and retired in 2005 as a full colonel. He was deployed and stationed in Germany at Heidelberg, Wurzburg and Lanstuhl U.S. Army Hospitals. In 2000, he was also deployed to Bolivia, South America for a military peace keeping mission where he had a unique experience treating parasite problems, which led to successfully treating some of the most complex and difficult patients.

He has published numerous articles in the St. Louis health newspaper on controversial medical topics and recently published a book called Accidental Cure in 2010.

Dr. Yu’s lecture will cover how to detect and treat the unrecognized parasite and hidden dental related medical problems and how he found out why parasites might be the culprit for the cause of the cancer by utilizing Acupuncture Meridian Assessment.

He may be contacted through his Private Practice called Prevention & Healing, located in St. Louis, Missouri by phone 314-432-7802 and fax 314-432-1971.


Or so we know, one out of two a man and that one out of three women develop cancer. Number one killer is a lung for boss man and woman with a pricey breast colon cancer and now or have an underlying problem has been a parasite problem. I've seen that many times. I'm going to share some of the case studies and I'll try to it together.

So once you start thinking differently and that's why you're are here and to put together a connection between parasite, dental and cancer problems, you have to understand the concept of energy, medicine and energy. Medicine is a big topic. And I'll be more focusing on acupuncture. Mooradian Assessment. The Murray then has been known for 4000, 5000 years or technology. So all technology. We just have a better understanding now. I saw this case in five days ago. It's a small town three hours away from St. Louis. And he was toys to God is hard parlay or cancel. He saw that. He saw the dentist for the lump. He end up seeing the Yanti. They did a biopsy. And he was told here. I don't know. Carcinoma of the soft palate and hard palate and rackman radical operation of the head operates to remove entire jaw and the radiation and lifetime feeding tube. He didn't like the idea. He went to M.D. Anderson to give exact same recommendation. That's what they knew. But when I checked his Mooradian system, only problem I saw was hidden dental problem. Now he does not smoke. He does not drain Scott. Happy family. Nice job. Here is a happy man. So what went wrong? It was very compulsive taking care of his dental problem. And this is what his dental problem is coming from. I do emphasize so much, Dantas. I have in my own dental x ray. I do the X-ray right away and he's got nine Rukun hours and multiple bridges and all that dental work has been done. He spent probably well over one hundred thousand dollars on dental work done. That's his major underlying problem. So I give him the list of things he has to do. But I told him, if you don't have any money, it is only one thing you need to see a dentist. But not the dentist who put all the root canals. But by large scale dentist and remove and tile tooth. And you've got a way of Densher. Now, when I tell this to somebody who have same dental x ray, somebody have a chronic fatigue fibromyalgia. Nine out of 10 people will never come back to see me again because I don't believe


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