Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Cancer, Options

In this video, Ty Bollinger spends about 27 minutes speaking on "Cancer, Options" at the 42nd Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.


All right. That's my point there. Awesome.

How are you doing this morning? Everyone pointers working great. Glad to be here. Thank you, Frank. Thank you, Lorraine. Everyone at CBS for having me out again was able to speak out here a couple of years ago and now I'm back. So it's good to be here. I say we're not a packed crowd yet. And I didn't expect to have one at 9:00 a.m. And in a way, I'm a little disappointed that more people aren't here, not because of me, but because of the information I get to share right at the first is going to kind of set the stage for what you're going to hear the rest of the week in one of the things that I get all the time, the most popular questions that people ask me is if these treatments, these natural cancer treatments are so real, if they're so effective, why does my doctor not talk to me about them? Now, I'm not talking about the medical doctors that I'll be speaking here, these are doctors that have stepped outside the box or are doing integrative medicine. They are telling their patients, but most medical doctors still would say that a lot of the things that we'll talk about here this weekend are nothing but quackery. I'm going to explain in the next 10 minutes. Hopefully, this is a lecture that usually give in 90 minutes, and I've got to cut it down to twenty five. I'm going to explain in the first part a lecture why it is that your doctor doesn't tell you about these treatments typically. Again, I'm not talking about the doctors that are here, but your typical medical doctor. Cancer is an epidemic. One in two men, one and three women that are alive today will face a cancer diagnosis. That is according to the American Cancer Society Web site. This is a PDAF document that's available today on their Web site. If you go to Americans ACL, dawg, you've got to document it's a PDAF. It's called Cancer Facts and Figures 2013. And they give that same statistic. One in two men, one in three women alive will face a cancer diagnosis. So it's not just us that are saying that. The ACSU saying this is a pandemic. What's going on? This is what we're gonna try to do in 30 minutes. This is the game plan. We're going to talk about my story, the history of modern medicine. Talk about the big three treatments. I atro genocide, the American Cancer Society, a world of options for natural cancer treatments, diet and exercise. And finally, detox or


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