Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor


In this video, Linda Jaques spends about 24 minutes speaking on "Cancer-Fighting" at the 42nd Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.


Thank you.

We need to have it quiet in the back of the room. All you people standing up at the exhibiters back there. Please take it outside or use sign language. So one or the other, but outside, because we want to give Linda her her full time and the respect her her knowledge and what she has to present. Thank you.

Thank you. This is a number of cancer survivors in the United States today. Give or take. My story is in there somewhere. And if you're facing the cancer monster yourself right now, I'd like you to take this gigantic number and add one for yourself. Now, I am the very last person to put a happy spin on cancer. Mine was not a gift. Some people say it's just about the last thing that any of us ever wants to have to do. But that said, I also know that there are many well researched, solid science based reasons for you to be optimistic, hopeful and motivated to heal your cancer with natural medicine and nutritional therapy. And I'm here to talk specifics about that. My name is Linda Jaquiss. I'm an ovarian cancer assistant, cancer ovarian cancer survivor. And just as important to me, I'm a chemo survivor. Two and three years ago, I sat in this audience for the first time and I was hoping to restore my health after a long season and a health called Taxol and Carboplatin.

Those are very two very, very heavy duty chemo drugs.

Now, I use certain alternative measures while I was in treatment, as they say, but I succumbed to the chemo hard, sell all the scary statistics about what was likely to happen to me if I didn't do what my oncologist was recommending and my insurance wasn't to help me pay for anything that she didn't recommend.

So I had a lot to live for. I couldn't figure out fast enough what to do instead of chemo. So off I went. And I know there's something like that happens to a lot of newly diagnosed patients.

I'm a writer and I promised myself that if I got out of cancer, land alive, put together a pamphlet and it would have information and resources for other patients so that they could look at alternative cancer treatments in addition to the conventional treatments that were being recommended so that they could make a truly, truly informed decision about their care.

And what I learned at that conference enabled me to feel hopeful for the first time in a long time about my own case and also motivated me to go home and get to work on


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