Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Budwig Protocol benefits with essential oils, aromatherapy


The Budwig Protocol includes pure essential oils because numerous clinical studies have shown these to be extremely beneficial in your cancer healing journey.

Several studies have shown that essential oils such as frankincense (Boswellia Serrata) have the potential to treat brain, breast, colon, pancreatic, prostate, and stomach cancers.

Myrrh essential oil was able to reduce the replication of human cancer cells. A lab-based study showed that myrrh actually inhibited the growth in eight different types of cancer cells.

Combining frankincense and myrrh provides an even greater anti-cancer remedy.

Magnolia (honokiol) reduced tumors in several types of cancers. In lung cancer, tumors were reduced by up to 41 percent and liver cancer by up to 80 percent in a study published in the medical journal Cancer in 2012. Scientists at the West China Medical School found that Magnolia (Michelia alba) essential oil could cross the blood-brain barrier and inhibit the growth of brain tumors. This is especially good news for people with brain cancer.

Artemisia essential oil has displayed strong anti-cancer abilities.  A patient with prostate carcinoma Gleason score 8 (4+4)) and (PSA) level >800 µg/l. After 14 days on artemisia, the PSA level dropped down to 0, 98 µg/l. Artemisia was also effective in several types of cancer such as:

Aromatherapy with essential oils

Essential oils can be used topically as well to achieve many health benefits.  Here are a few popular uses:

  1. Lemon oil —a few drops of pure lemon essential oil and a carrier oil provides a very invigorating and pleasant massage. If you ever suffer from athlete’s foot the most effective remedy is pure lemon essential oil mixed 50-50 with a carrier oil such as olive oil applied generously several times a day over the affected area.
  2. Cinnamon oil — just a few drops of pure cinnamon essential oil to a carrier oil provides a nice feeling of warmth and coziness. For me, it often reminds me of the warm hot cinnamon buns that my mom would greet us with very often when we came home from school. In aromatherapy, it helps with chest colds and muscle aches and pains
  3. Lemongrass oil — the smell of lemongrass is not always the most pleasant. Used topically it can have powerful medicinal properties including the potential to slow the growth of cancerous cells and tumors.
  4. Tea tree oil — this oil would be very helpful in treating coughs and colds wound healing and to help alleviate sore throats and skin ailments. Because it has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and even anti-cancer properties. It has been helpful in treating gingivitis, controlling dandruff and acne.
  5. Eucalyptus — very powerful and will clear airways quickly and help you breathe easier. You can spray a little bit around in a room to give a nice, fresh and clean aroma. It works as a pesticide, as it can kill fungus, bacteria, insects, mites, and weeds. You can also keep away moths and insects in your closets.
  6. Rosemary oil — this is a popular oil used in massage therapies and natural beauty products. It decreases stress levels.
  7. Peppermint oil — This essential oil is a stimulant, antispasmodic, antiviral, antimicrobial, antifungal, and antioxidant. Helpful in treating headaches, nausea, improves concentration and memory, and is an analgesic, which means it numbs and kills pain on the skin. Just open the bottle and breathe a little through your nose and you’ll feel refreshed

Which oil is best for you?

At the Budwig Center, we test our cancer patients using a VEGA/GSR scan system to see which remedies and foods and essential oils would benefit them the most. We would focus on testing magnolia, artemisia, frankincense and myrrh, copaiba or Nigella Sativa essential oils to determine which would be the most effective for your condition.  We always stress to all those on a cancer healing journey to never rely on a few remedies, no matter how effective they can be, but to always embrace a full program of several therapies and remedies which have been personalized.  This multi-pronged approach using the full comprehensive Budwig protocol is the wisest approach in your healing cancer journey.

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